1. One-slide technology: it's so simple that I can explain basic JSF with one slide. 2. Easy to extend: components, listeners, render kit, Events, Controller, etc. 3. Real-world adoption: JBoss, Exadel, Oracle, IBM, ... 4. Architecture model: you can choose between more than 100 different architecture. 5. Open-mind community: using JSF you are going to meet very interesting people. 6. We are using JSF the last 5 years and we found very good market for JSF in Brazil 7. Progress: look to JSf 1.1 to JSF 1.2, JSF 1.2 to JSF 2.0. People are working really hard! 8. Many professionals now available 9. It's a standard. It's JCP. Before complain, report and help! 10. Ed Burns, spec leader, is an old Globalcode community friend! EXTRA: My wife is specialist in JSF. She's my F1 for JSF :) Nice job JSF community! -Vinicius Senger